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Change Lab

Change Lab Character Lineup
Brown Service Dog Hospital Asset
Yellow Service Dog Hospital Asset
JP Romero Phone Conversation
Fabio & Dr. Walker Booth Conversation
Water Bottle Park Asset
Franco Phone Conversation
Trash Bag Box Cleanup Asset

Game World Assets

Grabber Tool Cleanup Asset
Champagne Bottle Gala Asset
Gift Bag Gala Asset
Oh Deer Poster Park Asset
Trash Bin Cleanup Asset
Fish Game Game Room Asset
Trash Bag Cleanup Asset
Champagne Flute Gala Asset
Champagne Flute Gala Asset
Champagne Flute Gala Asset

Game World NPC's

Drunk NPC Gala Asset
Cleanup Volunteer NPC Park Asset
Receptionist NPC Gala Asset
Champagne Waiter Gala Asset
Bartender NPC Gala Asset

Helping Make a Change

I did an internship in LA for a startup company called Change Lab with a mission to produce a series of educational video games to help charities and nonprofits learn the ins and outs of acquiring donations along with other ways to make their charity more successful.  I was tasked with making animated conversations for the game along with assets for the game-world.  The assets for the game world covered a few locations such as a park where a volunteer cleanup event was occurring, an aquarium, a hospital, and a high-end fundraising gala.

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